Easiest Option in Mobility-Challenged and Elderly Toileting Care

When walking is a problem, going isn’t!

US Patent 10,849,805

7 out of 10 people will need Assistance in Daily Living in their lifetime

Think ahead to the day when you or a loved one may
become mobility-challenged.


Stylish and Versatile – Alternate mattress topper allows conventional usage of both sides until
toilet feature is necessary

US Patent 10,849,805 – Stylish and discreet bed with built-in toilet feature,
designed for comfort of the user
and convenience of the caregiver.

Affordable Fully Mechanical Version (no electricity needed for raise lower functions)

Easily shipped – Can be assembled by any able-bodied person

Liquid impermeable materials – Easy to clean and maintain

Disposable filter pads for clean hygiene

Modular design allows for easy affordable replacement of components

Sobering Statistics

US population aged 65 or older projected to reach

(98 Million)
by 2060

US Census Bureau

US adults 65+
with difficulty in main domains of function, including ambulation:

11 Million

US Census Bureau

Nearly 1 in 50 people in the United States living with paralysis. Almost

5.4 Million

Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation

Be a part of the solution.

Learn in greater detail about the mechanical and automated versions in development

Contact us for licensing and manufacturing opportunities –
Call 407-479-6049 or fill out below.

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